The FTB-5230S is an entry-level optical spectrum analyzer that is ideal for a variety of field applications, including DWDM and CWDM network commissioning and troubleshooting. It includes all the typical OSA capabilities: – Power and wavelength measurements – WDM and drift mode – OSNR testing according to IEC 61280-2-9 (interpolation method) – Offline post-processing
CWDM Analyzer. The FOT-5200 delivers extremely fast measurement of CWDM channel power. An innovative, low-cost alternative for installation, maintenance and repair of any CWDM network.
The FTBx-5245 is an easy-to-use OSA offering a wide range of measurement modes tailored to the needs of users working in R&D and manufacturing.
Since amplifiers are critical elements in all networks, it is crucial to ensure that they are optimized, that the gain is welldistributed
and that the output power is flat. Now, you can further optimize EDFAs by measuring key parameters, such as gain per channel, noise figure, gain flatness and gain slope. More importantly, you can save and print this valuable information.