RetractaNetXS – direct buried retractable cable

Fully integrated, fast and reliable connectivity

Innovative, fully integrated, fast, flexible, user-friendly and reliable…

…Prysmian RETRACTANETXS direct buried retractable cable is easy to deploy in an existing ducted network, sub-duct or aerial infrastructure.

This innovative, fully-integrated design simplifies installation in existing residential areas or greenfield sites.

The RETRACTANETXS direct buried outdoor drop solution can be used no matter what type of network solution is being installed– Wifi, Das, mobile applications or rural broadband deployment.

RetractaNetXS - Direct Buried Retractable Cable

A more cost-effective solution to getting connected

RETRACTANETXS is based on the proven and widely employed SmartDrawXS technology, where specially manufactured retractable cables are filled with smaller, loose fibre modules designed to have low friction properties. These modules are designed to be cut at one point in the network and retracted to another, where they can be fed or blown through microducts directly into customer premises.

Because of the unique physical properties and technical specifications of RetractaNetXS, ducts can be installed at a shallower depth, making rollouts faster, reducing pollution and cutting labour costs.

This significant reduction in labour costs means the Prysmian RETRACTANETXS is a cost-effective solution to getting connected. It can reduce the overall cost of OSP network deployment by 7–9%, compared to traditional P2P network solutions.

The RETRACTANETXS direct buried outdoor drop solution can be used no matter what type of network solution is being installed– Wifi, Das, mobile applications or rural broadband deployment.

The unique RetractaCable, filled with smaller fibre modules, runs from the optical distribution point, through trenches, ducts or from pole to pole, and can then be cut and retracted from one point to another. It’s then fed or blown directly to the customer premises.

RetractaNetXS - Direct Buried Retractable Cable

1. Have the RetractaNet XS, drill and cable access tool ready for use.
2. Insert the RetractaNet XS into the cable access tool.
3. Insert drill into tool and power it while pressing down gently.
4. Open cable access tool and remove from cable.
5. Extract fibre module. PUSH and/or BLOW the extracted module or modules into a pre-laid microduct running from the main cable to the customer premises.

RetractaNet XS is a complete direct buried underground drop solution, combining integrated connectivity products and innovative tools, and Optical Solutions Australia distribute this complete range of connectivity components.

RetractaNetXS - Direct Buried Retractable Cable

Underground closures — Starting point for RetractaCable, which is laid in trenches near the customer premises. — Can be direct buried or placed within a handhole: accessible for future maintenance. — Accommodate the appropriate number of splices for a particular network. — Other direct buried closure products are available on request.

Single drop microduct — Sturdy, protective convenient solution for pushing or blowing retracted fibre from trench to customer premises. — Can be branched off easily and direct buried. — Available in several size and colour striping options.

Underground tapping boxes — Branches off retracted fibre cable and provides entry point for future access. — Direct buried closure protects the opening in the RetractaCable and manages any over-length of the smaller retracted module.

SmartDrawXS technology — Specially manufactured retractable cables for use in indoor and outside plant applications. — Filled with loose fibre modules designed to have low friction properties. — Allows much faster deployment when working with RetractaNet XS solutions.

To find out more about this complete direct buried underground “drop” solution, contact us.


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